## version $VER: TOTBrowser.ct 32.00 (7.11.0) TOT_SCREENMODEREQUESTER_TEXT ;#DEF select screen mode ;#SET (//) TOT_SCREENMODEREQUESTER_ABBRUCH ;#DEF cancel ! ;#SET (//) TOT_SCREENMODEREQUESTER_OK ;#DEF Ok ! ;#SET (//) TOT_LAGERSCREEN_SERVERMESSAGE ;#DEF Server message! ;#SET (//) TOT_LAGERSCREEN_SORRY_CONNECTING ;#DEF Sorry, can't provide ;#SET (//) TOT_LAGERSCREEN_IS_IMPOSSIBLE ;#DEF access to server ;#SET (//) TOT_LAGERSCREEN_AT_THE_MOMENT ;#DEF at the moment... ;#SET (//) TOT_LAGERSCREEN_YOURVERSION ;#DEF your version ;#SET (//) TOT_LAGERSCREEN_SERVERVERSION ;#DEF version on server ;#SET (//) TOT_LAGERSCREEN_SIZE ;#DEF size: ;#SET (//) TOT_LAGERSCREEN_MENUBAR_FTP ;#DEF ftp-server ;#SET (//20) TOT_LAGERSCREEN_MENUBAR_EXIT ;#DEF exit ;#SET (//20) TOT_TAVERNEBAR_NETWORKON ;#DEF network (go online) ;#SET (//20) TOT_TAVERNEBAR_NETWORKOFF ;#DEF network (go offline) ;#SET (//20) TOT_TAVERNEBAR_TOWN ;#DEF town ;#SET (//20) TOT_TAVERNEBAR_ONLINEGAMES ;#DEF online games ;#SET (//20) TOT_TAVERNEBAR_CHATROOM ;#DEF chat room ;#SET (//20) TOT_TAVERNEBAR_GAMBLE ;#DEF gamble ;#SET (//20) TOT_TAVERNEBAR_STORE ;#DEF storage ;#SET (//20) TOT_TAVERNEBAR_HEYGUY ;#DEF Hey guy.. ;#SET (//20) TOT_TAVERNESCR_GUEST ;#DEF guest: ;#SET (//20) TOT_RESIBUTTON_REGISTER ;#DEF registration ;#SET (//) TOT_RESIBUTTON_CANCEL ;#DEF cancel ;#SET (//) TOT_RESIBUTTON_GETMAIL ;#DEF get mail ;#SET (//) TOT_RESIBUTTON_UPLOAD ;#DEF upload ;#SET (//) TOT_RESIBUTTON_DOWNLOAD ;#DEF download ;#SET (//) TOT_RESITBAR_OPTIONS ;#DEF options ;#SET (//20) TOT_RESITBAR_TOWN ;#DEF town ;#SET (//20) TOT_RESITBAR_FAMILYTREE ;#DEF family tree ;#SET (//20) TOT_RESITBAR_DIPLOMATIST ;#DEF diplomacy ;#SET (//20) TOT_RESITBAR_TAXES ;#DEF taxes ;#SET (//20) TOT_RESITBAR_MAP ;#DEF map ;#SET (//20) TOT_RESITBAR_MESSAGES ;#DEF messages ;#SET (//20) TOT_RESITBAR_REPORT ;#DEF report ;#SET (//20) TOT_RESITBAR_SPECIALISTS ;#DEF specialists ;#SET (//20) TOT_RESITBAR_STATISTICS ;#DEF statistics ;#SET (//20) TOT_RESITBAR_RESEARCH ;#DEF research ;#SET (//20) TOT_REG_FIRSTNAME ;#DEF first name ;#SET (//) TOT_REG_LASTNAME ;#DEF last name ;#SET (//) TOT_REG_STREET ;#DEF street ;#SET (//) TOT_REG_POSTALNUMBER ;#DEF postcode ;#SET (//) TOT_REG_TOWN ;#DEF town ;#SET (//) TOT_REG_COUNTRY ;#DEF country ;#SET (//) TOT_REG_PHONENUMBER ;#DEF phone number ;#SET (//) TOT_REG_NICKNAME ;#DEF nick name ;#SET (//) TOT_REG_EMAILADR ;#DEF email address ;#SET (//) TOT_REG_REMARK ;#DEF remark ;#SET (//) TOT_REG_PAYMENT ;#DEF payment ;#SET (//) TOT_REG_BANKNUMBER ;#DEF bank code ;#SET (//) TOT_REG_CARDGUILTY ;#DEF period of validity ;#SET (//) TOT_REG_ACCOUNT ;#DEF account number ;#SET (//) TOT_REG_CREDITCARDNUMBER ;#DEF creditcard number ;#SET (//) TOT_REG_BANKNAME ;#DEF name of bank ;#SET (//) TOT_REG_CREDITCARDCOMPANY ;#DEF creditcard company ;#SET (//) TOT_REG_PAYCREDIT ;#DEF creditcard ;#SET (//) TOT_REG_PAYTRANSFER ;#DEF own bank transfer ;#SET (//) TOT_REG_PAYREQUEST ;#DEF remittance ;#SET (//) TOT_TOWN_TAVERNE ;#DEF tavern ;#SET (//20) TOT_TOWN_RESIDENZ ;#DEF residence ;#SET (//20) TOT_TOWN_GRAINSTORAGE ;#DEF grain storage ;#SET (//20) TOT_TOWN_BUSINESS ;#DEF business ;#SET (//20) TOT_TOWN_ARMY ;#DEF barracks ;#SET (//20) TOT_HANDELSSCREEN_VERKAUFEN ;#DEF sell ;#SET (//) TOT_HANDELSSCREEN_EINKAUFEN ;#DEF purchase ;#SET (//) TOT_HANDELSSCREEN_WARENMARKT ;#DEF market ;#SET (//) TOT_HANDELSSCREEN_GOLD ;#DEF gold ;#SET (//) TOT_HANDELSSCREEN_ANBIETER ;#DEF offers ;#SET (//) TOT_HANDELSSCREEN_WARENTYP ;#DEF type of good ;#SET (//) TOT_HANDELSSCREEN_EINHEITEN ;#DEF amounts ;#SET (//) TOT_HANDELSSCREEN_PREIS ;#DEF price ;#SET (//) TOT_HANDELSSCREEN_MINDESTPREIS ;#DEF min price ;#SET (//) TOT_INITSCREEN_NOEMAILS ;#DEF No Emails for Tales Of Tamar! ;#SET (//) TOT_INITSCREEN_CHECKSUMZERO ;#DEF Please, fill out your registration form first! ;#SET (//) TOT_INITSCREEN_COULDNTCONNECT ;#DEF Couldn't connect to POP-Server! ;#SET (//) TOT_INITSCREEN_TOTINITOK ;#DEF Tales Of Tamar is initialized! ;#SET (//) TOT_INITSCREEN_TOTINITFAILED ;#DEF Initalizing of Tales Of Tamar failed! ;#SET (//) TOT_INITSCREEN_REGSENT ;#DEF Registration form for Tales of Tamar was sent! ;#SET (//) TOT_INITSCREEN_REGREJECTED ;#DEF Your registration was rejected! ;#SET (//) TOT_KAMPFSCREEN_UEBERRENNEN ;#DEF overrun ;#SET (//) TOT_KAMPFSCREEN_ANGRIFF ;#DEF attack ;#SET (//) TOT_KAMPFSCREEN_UMKREISUNG ;#DEF surround ;#SET (//) TOT_KAMPFSCREEN_FALLE ;#DEF build trap ;#SET (//) TOT_KAMPFSCREEN_HALTEN ;#DEF stop ;#SET (//) TOT_KAMPFSCREEN_RUECKZUG ;#DEF withdraw ;#SET (//) TOT_NVC_TITEL ;#DEF Chiefmessage ;#SET (//) TOT_NVC_NOONLINE ;#DEF Sorry, couldn't go online! ;#SET (//) TOT_NVC_NOOFFLINE ;#DEF Sorry, couldn't go offline! ;#SET (//) TOT_NVC_MAILNOTSEND ;#DEF Couln't send email! ;#SET (//) TOT_NVC_MAILSEND ;#DEF Emails were sent! ;#SET (//) TOT_NVC_MAILSAVED ;#DEF Emails are saved! ;#SET (//) TOT_NVC_MAILNOTSAVED ;#DEF Failed to save emails! ;#SET (//) TOT_NVC_NOTREGISTRED ;#DEF You're not registred! ;#SET (//) TOT_NVC_MAILSAVEERROR ;#DEF Couldn't save email! ;#SET (//) TOT_NVC_NOMAILMEM ;#DEF No memory for email! ;#SET (//) TOT_NVC_ISONLINE ;#DEF Tales Of Tamar is online now! ;#SET (//) TOT_NVC_ISOFFLINE ;#DEF Tales Of Tamar is offline now! ;#SET (//) TOT_MAIL_MAILSRECEIVED ;#DEF received email ;#SET (//) TOT_MAIL_MAILSTOSEND ;#DEF outbox ;#SET (//) TOT_MAIL_MAILALREADYSENT ;#DEF emails already sent ;#SET (//) TOT_MAIL_MAILSALRRECEIVED ;#DEF archived emails ;#SET (//) TOT_MAIL_MAILSFROM ;#DEF emails from ;#SET (//15) TOT_MAIL_MAILSTO ;#DEF emails to ;#SET (//15) TOT_MAIL_SUBJECT ;#DEF subject: ;#SET (//15) TOT_MAIL_DATE ;#DEF date: ;#SET (//15) TOT_MAIL_REGARDING ;#DEF regarding: ;#SET (//) TOT_MAILTEXT_WRITEMAILFOR ;#DEF email to ;#SET (//15) TOT_MAIL_ALL ;#DEF all ;#SET (//) TOT_MAIL_GNOM ;#DEF gnome ;#SET (//) TOT_ONGAMESBAR_EXIT ;#DEF exit ;#SET (//) TOT_ONGAMESBAR_HISCORE ;#DEF high score ;#SET (//) TOT_ONGAMESBAR_PARTICIPANTS ;#DEF choose participant ;#SET (//) TOT_MODEMOPT_DEVICENAME ;#DEF device name ;#SET (//10) TOT_MODEMOPT_DEVICEUNIT ;#DEF device unit ;#SET (//5) TOT_MODEMOPT_BAUDRATE ;#DEF baud rate ;#SET (//) TOT_MODEMOPT_INITSTRING ;#DEF init string ;#SET (//) TOT_MODEMOPT_RESETSTRING ;#DEF reset string ;#SET (//) TOT_MODEMOPT_DIALSTRING ;#DEF dial string ;#SET (//) TOT_MODEMOPT_CANCELSTRING ;#DEF cancel string ;#SET (//13) TOT_MODEMOPT_PARITY ;#DEF parity ;#SET (//) TOT_MODEMOPT_PAR_NONE ;#DEF none ;#SET (//) TOT_MODEMOPT_PAR_EVEN ;#DEF even ;#SET (//) TOT_MODEMOPT_PAR_UNEVEN ;#DEF uneven ;#SET (//) TOT_MODEMOPT_PAR_BITVAL1 ;#DEF bitvalue 1 ;#SET (//) TOT_MODEMOPT_PAR_BITVAL2 ;#DEF bitvalue 2 ;#SET (//) TOT_MODEMOPT_PROTOCOL ;#DEF protocol ;#SET (//) TOT_MODEMOPT_PROT_XONXOFF ;#DEF XON/XOFF ;#SET (//) TOT_MODEMOPT_PROT_RTSCTS ;#DEF RTS/CTS ;#SET (//) TOT_MODEMOPT_PROT_NONE ;#DEF NONE ;#SET (//) TOT_MODEMOPT_STOPBITS ;#DEF stop bits ;#SET (//) TOT_MODEMOPT_SBITS_1 ;#DEF only 1 ;#SET (//) TOT_MODEMOPT_SBITS_2 ;#DEF use 2 ;#SET (//) TOT_MODEMOPT_BITSPERBYTES ;#DEF bits per byte ;#SET (//) TOT_MODEMOPT_BPB_7BIT ;#DEF 7 bit ;#SET (//) TOT_MODEMOPT_BPB_8BIT ;#DEF 8 bit ;#SET (//) TOT_MODEMOPT_MODEMPREFS ;#DEF modem setting ;#SET (//) TOT_SOUNDOPT_SOUNDFX ;#DEF sound-FX ;#SET (//) TOT_SOUNDOPT_MUSICONOFF ;#DEF music on/off ;#SET (//) TOT_SOUNDOPT_SOUNDFXONOFF ;#DEF sound FX on/off ;#SET (//) TOT_SOUNDOPT_SOUNDCDROM ;#DEF CD-sound on/off ;#SET (//) TOT_SOUNDOPT_USEAHI ;#DEF use AHI ;#SET (//) TOT_SOUNDOPT_USEWAVETABLE ;#DEF use wavetable ;#SET (//) TOT_SOUNDOPT_USEDIGIBOOSTER ;#DEF use digibooster ;#SET (//) TOT_SOUNDOPT_AHIMODEID ;#DEF AHI mode ID ;#SET (//) TOT_SOUNDOPT_AHIFREQUENCY ;#DEF AHI frequency ;#SET (//) TOT_SOUNDOPT_CDROM ;#DEF CD-Rom ;#SET (//) TOT_SOUNDOPT_CDDEVICENAME ;#DEF device name ;#SET (//20) TOT_SOUNDOPT_CDDEVICEUNIT ;#DEF device unit ;#SET (//20) TOT_SOUNDOPT_CDDEVICELUN ;#DEF device subunit ;#SET (//20) TOT_INTEROPT_TCPIPSTACK ;#DEF TCP/IP ;#SET (//20) TOT_INTEROPT_MIAMI ;#DEF Miami ;#SET (//16) TOT_INTEROPT_AMITCP ;#DEF AmiTCP ;#SET (//16) TOT_INTEROPT_GENESIS ;#DEF Genesis ;#SET (//16) TOT_INTEROPT_NAMEPOP3SERVER ;#DEF pop name ;#SET (//20) TOT_INTEROPT_NAMESMTPSERVER ;#DEF smtp name ;#SET (//20) TOT_INTEROPT_USERNAME ;#DEF user name ;#SET (//20) TOT_INTEROPT_PASSWORD ;#DEF password ;#SET (//20) TOT_INTEROPT_TRANSFER ;#DEF data transfer ;#SET (//20) TOT_INTEROPT_VIAEMAIL ;#DEF via email ;#SET (//20) TOT_INTEROPT_VIAMAILBOX ;#DEF via mailbox ;#SET (//20) TOT_OPTHELP_INFOBUTTON ;#DEF show info ;#SET (//20) TOT_OPTHELP_OKAYBUTTON ;#DEF save changes ;#SET (//20) TOT_OPTHELP_XBUTTON ;#DEF exit ;#SET (//20) TOT_OPTHELP_PREVBUTTON ;#DEF go to previous page ;#SET (//20) TOT_OPTHELP_NEXTBUTTON ;#DEF go to next page ;#SET (//20) TOT_OPTHELP_RESETSMTP ;#DEF standard SMTP name ;#SET (//20) TOT_OPTHELP_CHOOSEMODEM ;#DEF choose modem! ;#SET (//) TOT_ONCHAT_LOGGING_IN ;#DEF I am trying to log onto the game-server....please wait! ;#SET (//) TOT_ONCHAT_NO_CHANNEL ;#DEF Sorry, couldn't enter the channel! ;#SET (//) TOT_KORNLAGER_ERNTE ;#DEF harvest ;#SET (//) TOT_KORNLAGER_KORNLAGER ;#DEF granary ;#SET (//) TOT_KORNLAGER_VOLK ;#DEF people ;#SET (//) TOT_KORNLAGER_VERSORGEVOLK ;#DEF supply your folk ! ;#SET (//) TOT_KORNLAGER_VORHERSAGE ;#DEF harvest forecast ;#SET (//) TOT_KORNLAGER_VERTRAUEN ;#DEF confidence ;#SET (//) TOT_KORNLAGER_ANNO ;#DEF anno ;#SET (//) TOT_KORNLAGER_1QUARTAL ;#DEF spring ;#SET (//) TOT_KORNLAGER_2QUARTAL ;#DEF summer ;#SET (//) TOT_KORNLAGER_3QUARTAL ;#DEF autumn ;#SET (//) TOT_KORNLAGER_4QUARTAL ;#DEF winter ;#SET (//) TOT_KORNLAGER_TBAR_MINUSERNTE ;#DEF decrease harvest ;#SET (//20) TOT_KORNLAGER_TBAR_PLUSERNTE ;#DEF increase harvest ;#SET (//20) TOT_KORNLAGER_TBAR_MINUSKORNLAGER ;#DEF distribute grain ;#SET (//20) TOT_KORNLAGER_TBAR_PLUSKORNLAGER ;#DEF inc. grain in stock ;#SET (//20) TOT_KORNLAGER_TBAR_MINUSVOLKSKORN ;#DEF dec. grain for people ;#SET (//20) TOT_KORNLAGER_TBAR_PLUSVOLKSKORN ;#DEF inc. grain for people ;#SET (//20) TOT_KORNLAGER_TBAR_AENDERUNGENOK ;#DEF accept changes ;#SET (//20) TOT_KORNLAGER_TBAR_AENDERUNGCANCEL ;#DEF cancel changes ;#SET (//20) TOT_KORNLAGER_TBAR_KORNLAGERINFO ;#DEF show info ;#SET (//20) TOT_KORNLAGER_TBAR_KORNVERTEILEN ;#DEF split the grain ;#SET (//20) TOT_KORNLAGER_TBAR_JAHRESZEIT ;#DEF season ;#SET (//20) TOT_KORNLAGER_KEINESAAT ;#DEF Are you sure, you don't want to save corn for the sowing season? ;#SET (//) TOT_KORNLAGER_ZUWENIGMUEHLEN ;#DEF You don't own enough windmills for a higher production! ;#SET (//) TOT_FORSCHUNG_ASTRONOMIE ;#DEF astronomy ;#SET (192//20) TOT_FORSCHUNG_CHEMIE ;#DEF chemistry ;#SET (193//20) TOT_FORSCHUNG_NATURKUNDE ;#DEF natural science ;#SET (194//20) TOT_FORSCHUNG_THEOLOGIE ;#DEF theology ;#SET (195//20) TOT_FORSCHUNG_HEILKUNDE ;#DEF healing ;#SET (196//20) TOT_FORSCHUNG_KAMPFKUNST ;#DEF art of battle ;#SET (197//20) TOT_FORSCHUNG_TECHNIK ;#DEF technics ;#SET (198//) TOT_FORSCHUNG_FORSCHUNG ;#DEF research ;#SET (199//) TOT_KASERNE_TBAR_KARTE ;#DEF study map ;#SET (//20) TOT_KASERNE_TBAR_STADT ;#DEF go back to town ;#SET (//20) TOT_KASERNE_TBAR_GEHEIMDIENST ;#DEF secret service ;#SET (//20) TOT_KASERNE_TBAR_ARTILLERIE ;#DEF check artillery ;#SET (//20) TOT_KASERNE_TBAR_KAVALLERIE ;#DEF check cavalry ;#SET (//20) TOT_KASERNE_TBAR_INFANTERIE ;#DEF check infantry ;#SET (//20) TOT_KASERNE_TBAR_SCHMIED ;#DEF weapons and armours ;#SET (//20) TOT_KASERNE_TBAR_ARMEETRAINIEREN ;#DEF train the army ;#SET (//20) TOT_KASREQ1_TBAR_WENIGERPROZENT ;#DEF decrease percentage ;#SET (//20) TOT_KASREQ1_TBAR_MEHRPROZENT ;#DEF increase percent ;#SET (//20) TOT_KASREQ1_TBAR_WENIGEREINHEITEN ;#DEF increase percentage ;#SET (//20) TOT_KASREQ1_TBAR_MEHREINHEITEN ;#DEF increase units ;#SET (//20) TOT_KASREQ1_TBAR_EINHEITENHOCH ;#DEF scroll up units ;#SET (//20) TOT_KASREQ1_TBAR_EINHEITENRUNTER ;#DEF scroll down units ;#SET (//20) TOT_KASREQ1_TBAR_EINHEITENSLIDER ;#DEF slider for units ;#SET (//20) TOT_KASREQ1_TBAR_INSPEKTIONENHOCH ;#DEF scroll up inspection ;#SET (//20) TOT_KASREQ1_TBAR_INSPEKTIONRUNTER ;#DEF scroll down inspection ;#SET (//20) TOT_KASREQ1_TBAR_INSPEKTIONSLIDER ;#DEF slider for inspection ;#SET (//20) TOT_KASREQX_TBAR_X ;#DEF exit ;#SET (//20) TOT_KASREQX_TBAR_OK ;#DEF accept changes ;#SET (//20) TOT_KASREQX_TBAR_INFO ;#DEF show info ;#SET (//20) TOT_KASREQ2_TBAR_INFOHOCH ;#DEF scroll up info ;#SET (//20) TOT_KASREQ2_TBAR_INFORUNTER ;#DEF scroll down info ;#SET (//20) TOT_KASREQ2_TBAR_INFOSLIDER ;#DEF slide info ;#SET (//20) TOT_KASREQ2_TBAR_WENIGERRUNDEN ;#DEF decrease rounds ;#SET (//20) TOT_KASREQ2_TBAR_MEHRRUNDEN ;#DEF increase rounds ;#SET (//20) TOT_KASREQ3_TBAR_WAFFENHOCH ;#DEF scroll up weapons ;#SET (//20) TOT_KASREQ3_TBAR_WAFFENRUNTER ;#DEF scroll down weapons ;#SET (//20) TOT_KASREQ3_TBAR_WAFFENSLIDER ;#DEF slide list of weapon ;#SET (//20) TOT_KASREQ3_TBAR_WENIGEREINSETZEN ;#DEF decrease number ;#SET (//20) TOT_KASREQ3_TBAR_MEHREINSETZEN ;#DEF increase number ;#SET (//20) TOT_KASREQ3_TBAR_ARMEENHOCH ;#DEF scroll up army list ;#SET (//20) TOT_KASREQ3_TBAR_ARMEENRUNTER ;#DEF scroll down army list ;#SET (//20) TOT_KASREQ3_TBAR_ARMEENSLIDER ;#DEF slide army list ;#SET (//20) TOT_KASREQ1_STAT_ARMEEN ;#DEF armies ;#SET (//) TOT_KASREQ1_STAT_VOLK ;#DEF people ;#SET (//) TOT_KASREQ1_STAT_PROZENT ;#DEF percent ;#SET (//) TOT_KASREQ1_STAT_ARMEE ;#DEF army ;#SET (//) TOT_KASREQ1_STAT_SOLD ;#DEF fee ;#SET (//) TOT_KASREQ1_STAT_EINHEITEN ;#DEF units ;#SET (//) TOT_KASREQ1_STAT_OPTIONEN ;#DEF options ;#SET (//) TOT_KASREQ1_STAT_INSPEKTIONEN ;#DEF inspections ;#SET (//) TOT_KASREQ2_STAT_ARMEENTRAINIEREN ;#DEF train army ;#SET (//) TOT_KASREQ2_STAT_EINHEITEN ;#DEF units ;#SET (//) TOT_KASREQ2_STAT_INFO ;#DEF information ;#SET (//) TOT_KASREQ2_STAT_RUNDEN ;#DEF rounds ;#SET (//) TOT_KASREQ2_STAT_KOSTEN ;#DEF costs ;#SET (//) TOT_KASREQ3_STAT_WAFFEN ;#DEF weapons ;#SET (//) TOT_KASREQ3_STAT_WAFFE ;#DEF weapon ;#SET (//) TOT_KASREQ3_STAT_INFO ;#DEF information ;#SET (//) TOT_KASREQ3_STAT_ARMEEN ;#DEF armies ;#SET (//) TOT_KASREQ3_STAT_SCHADEN ;#DEF damage ;#SET (//) TOT_KASREQ3_STAT_REICHWEITE ;#DEF distance ;#SET (//) TOT_KASREQ3_STAT_ANZAHL ;#DEF count ;#SET (//20) TOT_KASREQ3_STAT_EINSETZEN ;#DEF insert ;#SET (//) TOT_KASREQ1_BUTTEXT_JOIN ;#DEF join ;#SET (//) TOT_KASREQ1_BUTTEXT_SPLIT ;#DEF split ;#SET (//) TOT_KASREQ1_BUTTEXT_CLEAR ;#DEF clear ;#SET (//) TOT_KASREQ1_BUTTEXT_NEW ;#DEF new ;#SET (//) TOT_KASREQ1_BUTTEXT_SUBJOIN ;#DEF subjoin ;#SET (//) TOT_KASREQ1_BUTTEXT_RES3 ;#DEF reserved ;#SET (//) TOT_KASREQ1_BUTTEXT_RES4 ;#DEF reserved ;#SET (//) TOT_KASREQ1_BUTTEXT_RES5 ;#DEF reserved ;#SET (//) TOT_KASREQ1_BUTTEXT_RES6 ;#DEF reserved ;#SET (//) TOT_KASREQ1_BUTTEXT_RES7 ;#DEF reserved ;#SET (//) TOT_FORSCHINFO_ASTRONOMIE ;#DEF Info about stargates\n--------------------\n\nHere you get info about your progress\nregarding knowledge of stargates.\n\nYou need a profression level of:\n\n1 - for doing blablabla\n2 - for doing more blabla\n3 - for making blabla\n4 - for making more bla\n5 - to do blabla\n6 - to do blabla\n7 - to build blabla\n\nYou should think about it, which of the \nseven progressions you will raise,\nbecause you may only progress in a single case. ;#SET (//) TOT_FORSCHINFO_MEDIZIN ;#DEF Info about medicine\n--------------------\n\nHere you get info about your progress\nregarding knowledge of medicine.\n\nYou need a profression level of:\n\n1 - for doing blablabla\n2 - for doing more blabla\n3 - for making blabla\n4 - for making more bla\n5 - to do blabla\n6 - to do blabla\n7 - to build blabla\n\nYou should think about it, which of the \nseven progressions you will raise,\nbecause you may only progress in a single case. ;#SET (//) TOT_FORSCHINFO_TECHNIK ;#DEF Info about technic\n--------------------\n\nHere you get info about your progress\nregarding knowledge of technics.\n\nYou need a profression level of:\n\n1 - for doing blablabla\n2 - for doing more blabla\n3 - for making blabla\n4 - for making more bla\n5 - to do blabla\n6 - to do blabla\n7 - to build blabla\n\nYou should think about it, which of the \nseven progressions you will raise,\nbecause you may only progress in a single case. ;#SET (//) TOT_FORSCHINFO_KRIEGSKUNST ;#DEF Info about fighting\n--------------------\n\nHere you get info about your progress\nregarding knowledge of fighting.\n\nYou need a profression level of:\n\n1 - for doing blablabla\n2 - for doing more blabla\n3 - for making blabla\n4 - for making more bla\n5 - to do blabla\n6 - to do blabla\n7 - to build blabla\n\nYou should think about it, which of the \nseven progressions you will raise,\nbecause you may only progress in a single case. ;#SET (//) TOT_FORSCHINFO_ALCHEMIE ;#DEF Info about chemistry\n--------------------\n\nHere you get info about your progress\nregarding knowledge of chemistry.\n\nYou need a profression level of:\n\n1 - for doing blablabla\n2 - for doing more blabla\n3 - for making blabla\n4 - for making more bla\n5 - to do blabla\n6 - to do blabla\n7 - to build blabla\n\nYou should think about it, which of the \nseven progressions you will raise,\nbecause you may only progress in a single case. ;#SET (//) TOT_FORSCHINFO_THEOLOGIE ;#DEF Info about religion\n--------------------\n\nHere you get info about your progress\nregarding knowledge of religion.\n\nYou need a profression level of:\n\n1 - for doing blablabla\n2 - for doing more blabla\n3 - for making blabla\n4 - for making more bla\n5 - to do blabla\n6 - to do blabla\n7 - to build blabla\n\nYou should think about it, which of the \nseven progressions you will raise,\nbecause you may only progress in a single case. ;#SET (//) TOT_FORSCHINFO_NATURKUNDE ;#DEF Info about nature\n--------------------\n\nHere you get info about your progress\nregarding knowledge of nature.\n\nYou need a profression level of:\n\n1 - for doing blablabla\n2 - for doing more blabla\n3 - for making blabla\n4 - for making more bla\n5 - to do blabla\n6 - to do blabla\n7 - to build blabla\n\nYou should think about it, which of the \nseven progressions you will raise,\nbecause you may only progress in a single case. ;#SET (//) TOT_DIPLOMAIN_STUDYCONTRACTS ;#DEF view contracts ;#SET (//) TOT_DIPLOMAIN_CREATECONTRACTS ;#DEF create contracts ;#SET (//) TOT_DIPLOMAIN_KILLCONTRACTS ;#DEF determine contracts ;#SET (//) TOT_DIPLOMAIN_PERSONALMESSAGES ;#DEF personal messages ;#SET (//) TOT_DIPLOMAIN_RESERVED1 ;#DEF reserved! ;#SET (//) TOT_DIPLO2_BUSINESSCONTRACTS ;#DEF business contracts ;#SET (//) TOT_DIPLO2_PEACECONTRACTS ;#DEF peace treaties ;#SET (//) TOT_DIPLO2_OTHERCONTRACTS ;#DEF other contracts ;#SET (//) TOT_STRING_DAUER ;#DEF period ;#SET (//) TOT_STRING_DAUER_EDIEREN ;#DEF edit period ;#SET (//) TOT_STRING_ANZAHL ;#DEF amount ;#SET (//) TOT_STRING_ANZAHL_EDIEREN ;#DEF edit amount ;#SET (//) TOT_STRING_PREIS ;#DEF price ;#SET (//) TOT_STRING_PREIS_EDIEREN ;#DEF edit price ;#SET (//) TOT_STRING_WARE ;#DEF goods ;#SET (//) TOT_STRING_HANDELSPARTNER ;#DEF trade partner ;#SET (//) TOT_STRING_VERTRAEGE ;#DEF contracts ;#SET (//) TOT_STRING_BESTEHENDE_VERTRAEGE ;#DEF existing contracts ;#SET (//) TOT_STRING_BOTSCHAFTEN ;#DEF messages ;#SET (//) TOT_STRING_BOTSCHAFT_ANSEHEN ;#DEF view message ;#SET (//) TOT_STRING_BOTSCHAFT_SCHREIBEN ;#DEF write message ;#SET (//) TOT_STRING_BOTSCHAFT_BEANTWORTEN ;#DEF respond to message ;#SET (//) TOT_STRING_BOTSCHAFT_LOESCHEN ;#DEF delete message ;#SET (//) TOT_STRING_VERTRAEGE_ANBIETEN ;#DEF offer contracts ;#SET (//) TOT_STRING_VERTRAEGE_EINHOLEN ;#DEF incoming contracts ;#SET (//) TOT_STRING_VERTRAEGE_WERBEN ;#DEF offer contracts ;#SET (//) TOT_STRING_ZURUECK ;#DEF go back ;#SET (//) TOT_STRING_HANDELSPARTNER_AUSWAEHLEN ;#DEF select trade partner ;#SET (//) TOT_STRING_VERTRAG_AUSWAEHLEN ;#DEF select contract ;#SET (//) TOT_STRING_WARE_AUSWAEHLEN ;#DEF select good ;#SET (//) TOT_STRING_BOTSCHAFT_AUSWAEHLEN ;#DEF select message ;#SET (//) TOT_STRING_ADRESSAT_AUSWAEHLEN ;#DEF select destination ;#SET (//) TOT_STRING_LISTE_HOCHSCROLLEN ;#DEF scroll up list ;#SET (//) TOT_STRING_LISTE_RUNTERSCROLLEN ;#DEF scroll down list ;#SET (//) TOT_STRING_LISTE_VERSCHIEBEN ;#DEF move list ;#SET (//) TOT_STRING_AKZEPTIEREN ;#DEF accept changes ;#SET (//) TOT_STRING_VERWERFEN ;#DEF discard changes ;#SET (//) TOT_STRING_SCHREIBEN ;#DEF write ;#SET (//) TOT_STRING_LETZTE_BOTSCHAFT ;#DEF last message ;#SET (//) TOT_STRING_NAECHSTE_BOTSCHAFT ;#DEF next message ;#SET (//) TOT_STRING_BOTSCHAFT_BEHALTEN ;#DEF keep message ;#SET (//) TOT_STRING_BOTSCHAFT_VERWERFEN ;#DEF discard message ;#SET (//) TOT_STRING_BOTSCHAFT_EDIEREN ;#DEF edit message ;#SET (//) TOT_STRING_TEXT_DER_BOTSCHAFT ;#DEF message text ;#SET (//) TOT_TOWN_BAUSCREEN ;#DEF build up town ;#SET (//) TOT_TOWN_RES1 ;#DEF reserved ;#SET (//) TOT_TOWN_RES2 ;#DEF reserved ;#SET (//) TOT_TOWN_RES3 ;#DEF reserved ;#SET (//) TOT_BERICHTE_KAMPF ;#DEF battle ;#SET (//) TOT_BERICHTE_LAENDER ;#DEF country ;#SET (//) TOT_BERICHTE_HANDEL ;#DEF buildings ;#SET (//) TOT_BERICHTE_ERNTE ;#DEF harvest ;#SET (//) TOT_BERICHTE_FORSCHUNG ;#DEF research ;#SET (//) TOT_BERICHTE_MAGIER ;#DEF magicians ;#SET (//) TOT_BERICHTE_DUNGEONS ;#DEF dungeons ;#SET (//) TOT_BERICHTE_SPIONE ;#DEF spy ;#SET (//) TOT_BERICHTE_RES ;#DEF reserved ;#SET (//) TOT_EINGABEBOX ;#DEF input window ;#SET (//) TOT_INFOBOX ;#DEF info window ;#SET (//) TOT_WAEHLE_TCP_STACK ;#DEF choose TCP-stack ;#SET (//16) TOT_KEIN_STACK_GEWAEHLT ;#DEF You can't use chat or game options, there was no TCP/IP stack selected! ;#SET (//) TOT_DEMO_TITELTEXT1 ;#DEF Welcome to Tales of Tamar! ;#SET (//) TOT_DEMO_TITELTEXT2 ;#DEF Probably, this is the first time you start this demo. To listen to the soundtrack, coming with the Tales of Tamar CD,you have to set the CD-ROM device. ;#SET (//) TOT_DEMO_TITELTEXT3 ;#DEF There already exists a configuration of ToT. Do you want to alter it? ;#SET (//) TOT_DEMO_TITELTEXT4 ;#DEF You should hear now the music of Tales of Tamar. If you want to determine or skip this part, click on > OK< ;#SET (//) TOT_DEMO_TITELTEXT5 ;#DEF Tales of Tamar is an internet based strategy game following old classical games like\n'Kaiser' or 'Hanse'.\n\nDo you like network games? Have you ever asked yourself how it would be if\ninstead of only two human players an unlimited number of human players\npartcipate in a game?\nStrategy games are even more fun, if you are able to play against real people!\nThe internet makes that opportunity come true...\n\nTo precribe it precisely, Tales of Tamar is an round based 'play by email 'game.\nThat means every turn you make, will be send to the server. The game sends\nyour turns to the server itself, all the player has to do, is to click a button.\n\nSo theoretically, there is an unlimited number of players dealing with one another.\nAll players are located in the same world and try to maintain against each other.\nYou start out as the ruler of a small kingdom and the goal is to lead your\ncountry to glory and wealth, by clever actions, strategy, science and magic.\nWith this demo, we want to give you a small insight in this world. To chat online,\nbut also mesure your power ( online, against real paticipants ) is possible.\nMany screenshots shall give you an idea about the final version of Tales of Tamar.\n\nHave fun.\n\nYour Eternity team ;#SET (//) TOT_DEMO_TITELTEXT6 ;#DEF This is the online section of Tales of Tamar...\n\nThere is a general problem: Since there is an unlimited number of players in\nthis world, there can't really exist a self running demo version of this game.\nDespite of this, to give a small overview about the game, this demo will show\nseveral screenshots per section with explanations. You can also chat or play\nonline.\nThe first online game is 'arm pushing', a joystick shake-me-dead-and-throw-\nme-away-game.These games have nothing to do with the real game and\nare only there for fun.\nNaturally, you need an internet account and a configurated TCP/IP stack\n(Miami 3.2). AmiTCP is not supported yet. We would be grateful, if someone\ncould send us s rexx script for this:)\nWe want to point out, that Tales of Tamar is platform independent and in future\nyou can play with your Amiga computer against computers worldwide.\nAfter the Amiga version, a PC and a Java version will be published.\n\nYou probably ask, why it took so long for Tales of Tamar to be published.\nAnyhow, you will find the answer hidden in this Demo. Go for it!\n\nRegards\nMartin Wolf\nEternity ;#SET (//) TOT_DEMO_TITELTEXT7 ;#DEF This function is not implemented in this demo. ;#SET (//) TOT_DEMO_TITELTEXT8 ;#DEF The email function is not active jet in this demo! To chat online, you have to go online first. A short click onto the spider web and the game selfconnects... ;#SET (//) TOT_DEMO_TITELTEXT9 ;#DEF Please choose your already installed TCP/IP stack. If you do not choose a stack, the online chat- and game function will be disabled. ;#SET (//) TOT_DEMO_TITELTEXT10 ;#DEF This is the storage.\n\nFrom here you can download new versions of Tales of Tamar directly from our\nserver.\n\nAll available updates will be diplayes as a wine cask. The chosen cask will provide\ninformation on an update, update downloads are already working in this Demo, but\nthe automatic installation is not implemented yet.\n\nWarning!!!\nWith the OK button, you start the downloading process. This action could take a while,\ndepending on the size of files\n\nIn the versions to come, updates can be done automatically.\nVersions will be proofed to make sure, that you don't install an earlier version or leaf\nout updates.\n ;#SET (//) TOT_DEMO_SLIDETEXT1 ;#DEF Here you see one of the towns of Tamar.\nAs you might have noticed, this town looks rather like a village.\n\nThe towns of Tamar are kind of 'flexible'. The towns can differ from one another.\nMost buildings have certain significance. The market for instance, is the trading\nplace, i.e. sell and purchase items. You alredy took a visit to the tavern.\nBehind the two windmills, you can enter the granary, that will be discribed later.\n\nTowns are the bases of Tamars different realms.The more towns a player owns,\nthe more his realm prospers. Towns offer recreation for troopers,\nthey are strongholds of trade and research and they provide more safety for the\nborderlands.\n\nEvery town can be build up individually and use for different purposes.\n ;#SET (//80) TOT_DEMO_SLIDETEXT2 ;#DEF A small town of Tamar. The ruler seems to attach great importance to clerical\nrepresentation are also barracks, harbour,town hall, mills and much more.\n To mention is, that after founding you can give a town the name of your choice,\nthat will appear on all participants screens.\n\nLets go to the next step....\n ;#SET (//) TOT_DEMO_SLIDETEXT3 ;#DEF This settlement is rather worth to be called a town: cathedral and castle are build.\nA barrack square exists as well. In the background you see the town walls.\nThat indicates, this city is protected against attacks of enemies.\n\nThis could be already the capital of one of Tamars kingdoms. It is important, that a ruler\nowns at least one stronly improved town.\nThe castle gives additional points of defense and has a positive effect to the populations\nloyalty. Loyalty is an important point for every player. There are only three subjects,\nthat can put a player out of the game: Death by old age, without successors,\ndeath caused by combat, or by anarchy in his kingdom.\nAnarchy takes place, if the people of a country, loose faith in their ruler, has to\nretreat or will be beheaded....\n\nThe cathedral among other things stands for the support of the gods. There are\n10 different mainstreams of religion. At the beginning of the game, you have to choose\none of them. This decision will influence the\ngame.Churches, abbeys,and cathedrals\nare built already to worship these gods.\nBarracks are used to train armies. Armed forces exsist to conquer new countries\nand protect their own. If a town has barracks, new armies can be recruited and trained. ;#SET (//) TOT_DEMO_SLIDETEXT4 ;#DEF Here is a town in the 4. level of development,also called metropolis. Here the life\nis pulsing! Up to 1.000.000 people and other beeings can dwell here.\n\nThis metropole doesn't have a castle, it more likely is a big tradingpoint,\nthen a place of war actions. With Tales of Tamar, you have the opportunity to trade\nwith real people and therefore grow.\n\nA realm can be for example the transmitter between two other big countries\nand sets its faith in clever actions. Ruler B buys from ruler A , what is needed by\nruler C.\nBecause of the geographical limitations of trading, it could well be, that ruler C\ndoesn't trade directly with ruler A, or doesn't know that the goods he purchases,\ncome from ruler A. But it is a long journey before you reach a metropolis state.\nMetropolis towns are very rare and hard to reach.\nThey can be destroyed by catastrophies or war. ;#SET (//) TOT_DEMO_SLIDETEXT5 ;#DEF Welcome to the trade-register of Tales of Tamar!\n\nHere you can buy and sell goods and bargain with other rulers.\nSimultanously, you can see the latest development of your realms gold stock.\n\nOn the right hand side, you can buy wappons ans other goods. For the most goods,\nyou can see a small animation on the left uppers part of the screen.\n\nOn this market you can look up offers from other rulers and buy them.\nThe goods sold by other countries, contrarily to the goods on the right ,\nare not available before the next quarter of the game. On the bottom, you can make\nyour own offers. Other rulers can view your offers in the next round.\nThe ruler who comes up with the best offer, makes the deal. Purchasing goods from\nother rulers works a accordingly.\nIf a good is important, you have to offer a high price, to make the deal.\nAt the left, you see little picture that shows your cash ( gold ) balance. ;#SET (//) TOT_DEMO_SLIDETEXT6 ;#DEF Here, the reports that are stated by herolds after every round are shown,\nbefore you can go on.There are reports about wars in neighbouring countries,\nabout successful buisness and decreasing or increasing population. There will be\nstatements about your folks opinions about the lates developments, what\ncatastrophies could happen to your realm, how much corn was harvested\nand how much of that has to be given to the people and much more...\n\nOne can see statistics about a chosen battles strategy and about successes\nand defeats.You are also able to actually see the battles. ;#SET (//) TOT_DEMO_SLIDETEXT7 ;#DEF This is the diplomacy section:\n\nOn the following screens you you can make decisions about peace treaties,\ncontracts, non-agression pacts and you can write and send personal messages\nto other rulers.\n\nThe diplomacy section is used to communicate with other rulers. Public\ndiscussions can be held at the tavern...\n\nYou can compose every kind of contract, but you can also select between various\nstandard contracts. All contracts will be evaluated by the game-master immideately.\nSo it is possible, for instance, to offer your daughters hand, against a 5 years\nsupply of corn. ;#SET (//) TOT_DEMO_SLIDETEXT8 ;#DEF The first section deals with peace- and other political treaties. You can view treaties,\nor send new ones. Treaties also can be canceled or broken, but it will be made publik,\nif a treaty is broken and every neighbouring ruler will be notified.\n\nBroken contracts will lead to a record in a profile and every ruler can look up this\nprofile about co-players.\n\nSo, every ruler can deside, whom he is going to trust or not. ;#SET (//) TOT_DEMO_SLIDETEXT9 ;#DEF This section is about trade treaties. They are usefull for example, when you don`t have\nenough grain for your folk to eat. In such case you can make a treaty with another\nruler who has enough grain.\n\nThe trade treaty says for example he give you 1500 units of grain for 3 years for the\nprice of 300 gold pieces. So you would get grain for 12 rounds from him automatically.\n\nYou can have a look at your treaties and statistics, too.\n ;#SET (//) TOT_DEMO_SLIDETEXT10 ;#DEF This part is about trading contracts. They are needed to im- or export certain\ngoods constantly, e.g. if a kingdom has a chronic lack of vegetable raw material\nand has to import it constantly.\nFor this purpose a ruler can make a longterm contract with a neighbouring country.\nExample: 15 units of raw material over a period of 3 years, for a price of 300 gold\ncoins.\nThat means during 12 rounds the good will be traded automatically,\nwith a trading partner of your choice. You can view deals, make them and cancel\nthem.\nDetermination of contracts also leads to a record in your profile. ;#SET (//) TOT_DEMO_SLIDETEXT11 ;#DEF The embassiey, contrarily to the mail & chat functions at the tavern, are used for\npersonell communication among rulers.\n\nThe lenght of an email is not limited, so you can send the latest threads,\ninformation and other usefull things.\nBut you have to be carefull, spyes of other countries could read those messages.\n\nIt is allways helpfull, to have a well trained royal secret service. ;#SET (//) TOT_DEMO_SLIDETEXT12 ;#DEF The research section of Tales of Tamar.\n\nThere are 7 different fields of research:\n- Alchemy\n- Astronomy\n- Theology\n- Natural\n- Sciences,\n- Technics,\n- Medicine and\n- The art of battle.\n\nEvery different science can be researched up to 7 levels. Through researching\nin a certain level, the ruler will have some advantages.\nAll levels together influece in an uneven assesment, the building phase. Some\nbuildings can only be errected, if certain stages of research are reached and\nyour own people are educated.\nE.g. research in art of battle, lets armies fight better. Research in natural sciences\ngives advantages in agriculture and cattle farming.\nResearch in alchemy brings better results in mining ,etc. The higher the level of\nreserch you reached is, the harder it gets, to reach the next one.\n3 fields of research, are discribed closer in the following. ;#SET (//) TOT_DEMO_SLIDETEXT13 ;#DEF The first part describes alchemy. Alchemy is the chemistry of the middle ages.\nOften, alchemists tried unsuccessfully to turn various minerals into gold. Other\nefforts focused on, to try to find the philosophers stone and the fountain of youth.\n\nBut in Tamar the alchemists can achieve much more. They can research for\nharder metals and building materials. They can increase the output of ore.\nThe requester shows, what level in alchemy you reached and what advantages\nyou are entiteled to, through reaching a higher level. ;#SET (//) TOT_DEMO_SLIDETEXT14 ;#DEF This is the requester for research in technics. But what is technics? The term\ntechnics means the technological development of a kingdom.\n\nThat includes all items of daily life, e.g. the applied methods of workers,\ndentists, bakers, barbers, famers etc.\n\nA high level of development in technics means that all these professions can\nproduce their goods more effectiv and cheaper, as in a lower level.\nThe most technical gifted inhabitants of Tamar, are probaly the gnomes.\nHumans are not even near that.\nBut anyway, it is of great use, to achieve a high level in technics. Conclusively,\nyou should invest in technics. ;#SET (//) TOT_DEMO_SLIDETEXT15 ;#DEF Theology.....Theology describes the science and understanding of a god. Every\nplayer, at the beginning of the game has the opportunity to select a god.\n\nThe gods are classified in 3 cathegories:\n- Gods of life\n- Gods of the elements\n- Gods of growing.\n\nThose are subdivided.\nThere are gods of war and death, gods of peace, fertility gods, gods of fire,\ngods of water, earth gods, air gods, gods of farming, gods of stock breeding\nand gods of mining. Each sub-group can have different gods that are all named.\n\nThe higher the level of theology in a realm, the closer one is in contact\nwith a god and one can count on the gods influence and mercy.\nIt could be, that a god will interfere in a war, or milders a catastrophy, if the believe\nis strong enough. ;#SET (//) TOT_DEMO_SLIDETEXT16 ;#DEF Welcome to the options-screen of Tales of Tamar...\n\nHere you can edit your personal configuration of ToT.\n\nFor example you can choose between CD-Rom and Digibooster-Sound,\nor select AHI mode. The sound of CD Rom can be regulated in relation to AHI.\nYou can select the CD Rom device and which unit should be used. Maybe, there\nwill be a Wavetable routine added, in a later version. ;#SET (//) TOT_DEMO_SLIDETEXT17 ;#DEF This page shows the internet options. Since Tales of Tamar is a pure internet based\nstrategy game, the participant has to make an internet configuration.\nYou will need user names and passwords of the POP3-server and SMTP-server.\n\nFurther more, you will need a pre-configured TCP/IP stack like Miami, Miami Deluxe,\nGenesis or AmiTCP. Of course you can switch between the different TCP/IP stacks.\nThe last option probably will surprise you:\nyou can select to be connected via email or modem.\nIf the participants email provider server is down, he can switch his application method\nto 'per modem', to directly connect to the ETERNITY mailbox. This also means,\nthat you do not nessecarily need an internet connection to play Tales of Tamar.\nUp- and downloading via mailbox would work as well, but it probably is\nthe more expensive method.\n ;#SET (//) TOT_DEMO_SLIDETEXT18 ;#DEF Here you can edit your personal modem settings.\n\nYou can fill in the type of device and the unit of your modem, like in any other\nterminial program. ;#SET (//) TOT_DEMO_SLIDETEXT19 ;#DEF Specialists screen...\nAs a ruler, you can hire specialists. Such as wise man, masters of battle, priests,\nmagicians, fortune tellers, architects and so on...\n\nEvery specialist will work for the ruler, for a monthly salary. Wise man e.g. give\nadvise. They will give hints and warnings, if the folk of a country distrusts the ruler.\nDepending on the quality of the wise man, he can give hints on how to solve\nthe problems.\nMasters of the battle will train the ruler himself, so he will advance his fighting abilities\nfor futur tournaments.\nPriests stay in contact, or intensify the contact with the chosen gods. They have\nalso the ability to find and use magical herbs. Some of these herbs are there to\npromote the growing of crops, heal soldiers etc. Like the legendary 'berserk herb',\nthat can make an army invincible. But first of all, you have to find out wat herbs\nare available.\nMagicians are the only people, that can supply magical artefacts to the ruler. You\nwill find those artefacts in dungeons, that are hidden all over Tamar. Some artefacts\nare powerful things like the 'cepter of the khan' or the 'book of invisibility'\nAttention: Not every dungeon is found easily! The magician could dye, while\nresearching the dungeon and all the artefacts could be lost. If magicians fight a\n'magicians duel', one of them is going to dye for sure. Architects are needed to build\ncathedrals, castles, barracks and the circus. The presence of an architect,\nlowers the costs of a building and has other advantages.\nFortune tellers are needed to look into the future. They can predict certain possibilities,\ne.g. how big next years crop will be. But you can't rely on that, they can't for\ninstance predict catastrophies.\n\nTheir are many more specialists, but for the demo, this will do. ;#SET (//) TOT_DEMO_SLIDETEXT20 ;#DEF Statistics....Ok. Here is not very much to say about. In the upper screen, on the left,\nyou can select different subjects, to be shown in a picture in the bottom part.\nYou can choose several subjects and compare\nthe graphs. You can compare graphs of various times. ;#SET (//) TOT_DEMO_SLIDETEXT21 ;#DEF The taxes screen: At the taxes screen, you have the possibility to demand duties\nfrom your people. There are different taxes, like custom dues, judical duties,\nchurch taxes, land taxes, the thenth.\n\nCustom, has to be payed on all goods that are brought into, or out of a town.\nThe amount that has to be payed depends on the size of population of a town\nand has to be payed at the gate.\n\nThe thenth is a duty, that a ruler has to pay to another ruler if he is his vasalage,\ni.e. if he has to serve a higher ruler.\n\nThe taxsystem will be explained more precisely in the manual. ;#SET (//) TOT_DEMO_SLIDETEXT22 ;#DEF Granary: In the granary you store and regulate the use of the crops. In the\nbackround you see the harvest of a kingdom. The granary always shows the\npresent amount of corn.\n\nIf the quantity of corn in the granary is to big, it could rott or eaten by rats.\nThe possibility to sell surplus corn, should be used, if the crop is large.\nPerhaps a neighbour kingdom had a meager harvest. ;#SET (//) TOT_DEMO_SLIDETEXT23 ;#DEF Here you see the silo of the granary. It indicates how much corn is needed, to\nsupply the population and how much should be kept as seed corn.\nAlso there is a statement about the folks faith in you and a forecast for the\nnext harvest. ;#SET (//) TOT_DEMO_SLIDETEXT24 ;#DEF Secret servies, spyes and sabotage...\nEverybody knows it, jeloussy and intrigues, make a game even more interesting.\nSaboteuers, have the possibility to destroy your enemies buildings and to undermine\nthe trade between two countries. The more complex the mission is,\nthe more fees you have to pay. Spyes have the tricks, to check out other kingdoms.\n\nYou can request, how big some kingdoms army is, how big the harvest is, if the\nvasal payes his taxes correctly, on what level the magician of realm X is.\n\nThe secret servies is a counterpart to the colleages mentioned above. The better\nsupplied the secret service is, the better the chances to detect a spy or a saboteur.\nEspecially tricky the situation gets, if two rulers seal a peace treaty. ;#SET (//) TOT_DEMO_SLIDETEXT25 ;#DEF The barrack screen:\n\nThis is one of the most important screens. It deals with everything, that is related\nto the armies. E.g. recrute, train, consolidate, divide armies or supply them with new\nweapons.\n\nArmies exist, to conquer new land, or to attack enemies. A kingdom with many and\nexellent armies, is feared by its enemies. Especially interesting it gets, if special\nweapons are used. Weapons and armouries, manufactured by the dwarfs, are\nfamous for their quality and increase an armies fighting abilities. ;#SET (//) TOT_DEMO_SLIDETEXT26 ;#DEF This is the requester for organizing the infantries. In the upper part, you can see,\nhow many recruits are there, for your disposal. At the bottom,\nthe different infantries are listed.\n\nAll informations will be provided automatically, on the right side. ;#SET (//) TOT_DEMO_SLIDETEXT27 ;#DEF In this requester, you are able to decide, which army should be trained and for\nhow long. The more intensive an army is trained, the better its fighting abilities.\nIn the center part, there will be more pricese informations about\nthe condition of an army.\nArmies, only can be trained in towns that are equipped with barracks. ;#SET (//) TOT_DEMO_SLIDETEXT28 ;#DEF With this requester, you can organize and distribute your purchased weapons.\nOn the left, you see a list of possible weapons. Informations about the damage factor\nof these weapons and general information, will be shown in the center of the screen.\nOn the right hand side, the armies that could use those weapons are listed.\n\nThere are limitation. E.g. it doesn't make sense for cavalerymen or archers,\nto carry two-handed-swords. ;#SET (//) TOT_DEMO_SLIDETEXT29 ;#DEF Slowly but distinctivly, we come to the end of this slideshow.... \n\nThis is the residence screen. In a way, the main screen of Tales of Tamar.\nFrom here, you can reach every screen, with only a few clicks. How does this\nwork?\nIn the right corner, you will see a little button, that is labled 'connect'. Clicking on\nthis button, will lead you to the registration screen. Here you can connect to the\nserver, after giving certain information.\n\nWhen done, you will be placed to a certain spot in Tamar, by the game master and your\ndatas, will be send back to you either via internet or mail box. After this procedure,\nyou already will be part of the story of Tamar, you will be part of this world.\n\nYou will get to know your co-players and you can exchange informations with them\n( online or offline ) etc....\nOne round of Tales of Tamar takes 2 days. Important! You don't have to stay online all\nthe time. Only every 2 days you upload or download the needed datas. This is only\nabout 5 min., you have to spend online. That means the costs, to participate in the\ngame, are very low. Only chatting online, would cost a little extra.\n\nTales of Tamar will be published in a dealer version and a PD version. The PD version\ncan be obtained at Aminet. Because of the size of data, animations, intro and CD-Rom\nsounds will be missed out in this version.\n\nWe hope, that we gave a thorough overview about Tales of Tamar to you and want\nto point out, that with the publication of Tales of Tamar, simultaniously there will be\na the first book available. More information on our home page: WWW.TAMAR.NET.\n\nLet's create a new world together and take over a leading part in our story!\n\nLet's have fun....\n\nEternity\nMartin Wolf\n ;#SET (//) TOT_DEMO_INFOTEXT1 ;#DEF What is a CD-Rom-Device?\n\nA CD Rom device is a driver, that is used to implement a CD Rom drive, like 'scsi. device'\nor 'cybppc.device'.\n\nFor what reason, do you have to specify the CD Rom device?\n\nBecause of the various CD Rom drivers, the program has to determine, how it should\naddress the CD Rom. If this information is not present, the CD Rom music on this\n Demo CD, can't be listened to.\n\nShould I set the unit?\n\nNo, this information will be needed later.\n\nHow can I leave the requester?\n\nClicking on the X-button, or pressing escape, will terminate this requester. ;#SET (//) TOT_DEMO_INFOTEXT2 ;#DEF What is a CD-Rom-Unit?\n\nA CD Rom unit describes the digit, at which bus, the system recognises the CD Rom.\nAt SCSI controllers the figure is a digit between 0 and 7, at IDE controlers the digit\nlies between 0 and 3.\n\nHow can I leave the requester?\n\nClicking on the X-button, or pressing escape, will terminate this requester. ;#SET (//) TOT_DEMO_INFOTEXT3 ;#DEF What is a nickname?\n\nA nickname is an alias for you in the Online-Chat. This is your name in the chat. Later,\nyou can only log with your player alias, not so in this demo.\nAttention! Do not use the space bar in your nickname. Possible names could be names\nlike 'Lord _Ivanhoe' or 'Wolfen'. 'Hans Georg' or 'Charles the conquerer' are inadequate.\n\n\nWhat is a channel?\n\nA Channel is a virtuel room for communication in the internet.\nIn this room, the the players can take up contacts, to one another. \n\n\nInternet?\n\nEh, are you sure that you want ask that? ;-)\n\n\nAnd how much does it cost?\n\nYou pay the same costs as when you surf in the internet. And if chatting is to expensive for you:\nin the final game there will be the possibility to communicate with emails. The chat room is only a\nfeature of ToT.\n\nClick onto -> X <- to close this requester.\n ;#SET (//) TOT_DEMO_INFOTEXT4 ;#DEF What can I do with this requester?\n\nThis is a chat room. In the upper window, the incoming text is displayed. If you click onto\nthe bottom section, a cursor appears. You can fill in your text now and finish\nwith .\nThe text will be erasaded now from the fill-in-field and it appears in the chat room.\nAfter a short period, the cursor will appear again, ready for more text.\n\n\nWhat can I do with the icon, that shows the world symbol?\n\nClicking on that icon, gives you an overview about all open chatrooms. In the final version\nof Tales of Tamar, there will be chatrooms for differnt languages and continents.\nThis is not possible in this demo version.\n\n\nWhat does the icon with the ?- symbol mean ?\n\nClicking this icon, opens a requester with all active participants in the chatroom.\nYou can actually see, who is present. You are not able to take up contact with the other\nplayers here. To be able to do so in the final version, you had to go to the diplomacy screen.\n\nYou can leave this requester, by clicking the X-button, or by pressing < return >. ;#SET (//) TOT_DEMO_INFOTEXT5 ;#DEF What does this requester mean?\n\nWith the Amiga, you have the free choice, with which TCP/IP program, you want\nto go online. If you want to view the online section of ToT, a TCP/IP stack has to be\ninstalled before hand. In this requester, you chose the program, that was installed\nand configured on your system.\n\nIf you leave this requester, by pressing , or clicking on X, TCP/IP will be\ndisabled and you you can't go online. ;#SET (//) TOT_DEMO_FAILURETEXT1 ;#DEF No, that didn't work! Ok, there won't be any music, this time. ;#SET (//) TOT_DEMO_FAILURETEXT2 ;#DEF You can`t chat without a nick name!! ;#SET (//) TOT_DEMO_SPECIALTEXT ;#DEF Congratulations, you have found this demos special text.\n\nI want to explain now, why you have to wait for so long for Tales of Tamar. First, I want\nto point out, that Tales of Tamar really is a big project, that is very work intensive.\nThe release of the final version, will take up at least 2 CDs, the description of ToT API alone,\nwill have a lenght of 400 pages. Not to mention the different versions for PCs and Java.\n\nSince I read today, that Paul Burkey wrote 14000 new lines for Foundation DC, I want\nto resume, what we can come up with. At present ToT exists of 62500 lines.\nThe ToT server has 30000 lines, so far. So insiders, can imagine how big ToT will be.\n\nUnfortunately, there is not much progress at the moment. About the demo: 2 years ago,\nI started with Tales of Tamar and I am not very happy, that I'm not able to present you\nmore in this demo. In the meantime, the whole ToT team changed, except me and I was\nasked questions, like if it would be worth to follow thrue with this project.\nBut later the same people will tell me, what a nice program I made and they will ask me for\na job the same time.\nAll in all, I think that this demo is a step into the future. A small, but hopefully a fine one.\nWe want to release updates regularely and also show, that we want to keep up the Amiga.\nI hope, that in the near future, we will convince you of this novel game concept.\n\nyours sincerely,\n\nMartin Wolf ;#SET (//) TOT_ONGAMES_SCREENTEXT1 ;#DEF Please fill in your nickname: ;#SET (//) TOT_ONGAMES_SCREENTEXT2 ;#DEF Tales of Tamar is not online! Do you want to go online now ? ;#SET (//) TOT_ONGAMES_SCREENTEXT3 ;#DEF If you are not online, you can't play online ! ;#SET (//) TOT_ONGAMES_SCREENTEXT4 ;#DEF Do you want to read the manual? ;#SET (//) TOT_ONGAMES_INFOTEXT1 ;#DEF What is a nickname?\n\nA nickname is an alias for you in the Online-Chat. This is your name in the chat. Later\n it is only possible to log with your player name, not so in this demo.\n\n\nWhat is a channel ?\n\nA channel is a virtual room, to communicate in the internet, were an unlimited number of\nplayers can communicate.\n\n\nAnd how much does it cost?\n\nYou pay the same costs as when you surf in the internet. And if chatting is to expensive\nfor you: in the final game there will be the possibility to communicate with emails. The chat\nroom is only a feature of ToT.\n\nClick onto -> X <- to close this requester.\n ;#SET (//) TOT_ONGAMES_INFOTEXT2 ;#DEF Online instructions:\n\narm pushing is a joystick game, just for enjoyment. It is the first from many possible\nonline games and is based on a simple 2 players mode. Two players need their joysticks\nhooked up to their computers and try to defeat their opponent, by quickly moving their\njoysticks back and forth ( left - right movements ).\n\nSet your nickname...\n\nGo online...\n\nYou are in the fighting room. On the top, both left and right you see 2 pictures.\nClick on the left picture and you see a list of participants.\n\nIf you click on the right picture, you see the HiScore.\nChoose an opponent, and click on the fight-button in the right of the bottom.\n\nThe participant requester disappears and a message shows up.\nProceed, according to that message. After the message, 'Computers will be connected'...,\nready, steady, go... you can start to play arm pushing. A real opponent will sit on his\ncomputer, somewhere in this world and play against you.\n\nHave lot of fun... your Eternity team. ;#SET (//) TOT_ONGAMES_FAILURETEXT1 ;#DEF Without a nick name, you can not connect to the internet! ;#SET (//) TOT_TAVERNE_RUNETEXT1 ;#DEF A new game begins... ;#SET (//) TOT_TAVERNE_RUNETEXT2 ;#DEF Do you want to play again? ;#SET (//) TOT_TAVERNE_RUNETEXT3 ;#DEF Offline instructions:\n\nRunestone is a single player brainquest game.The goal is, to find the right combination\nof 5 runestones. This combination of stones, is thought off by the innkeeper of the tavern.\n\nThe playing-field is separated into 4 sections.\n\nAbove, you see the fields where the innkeeper puts down his stones openly.\nYour stones have to be placed in the center-field. Select your runestones, by clicking on\none of the 8 buttons on the bottom.\nWhile selecting, they will blink white. You can drag the blinking squares to the left or\nthe right. After selecting a complete row of stones, the innkeeper will tell you which stones\nof your choice, were the right ones. Here he differenciates between 2 states.\n\nBlack means, a stone is in the right place, but it isn't mentioned which one.\nWhite means, one stone is a right stone, but in the wrong place.\n\nAfter that, you can start with a new row. ;#SET (//) TOT_TAVERNE_RUNETEXT4 ;#DEF Congratulations, you found the right combination! ;#SET (//) TOT_TAVERNE_RUNETEXT5 ;#DEF This won't work out! ;#SET (//) TOT_TAVERNE_RUNETEXT6 ;#DEF This button has no function yet... ;#SET (//) TOT_TAVERNE_RUNETEXT7 ;#DEF Do you want to look at the game again? ;#SET (//) TOT_TAVERNE_RUNETEXT8 ;#DEF Click with your mouse, if ready... ;#SET (//) TOT_INTEROPT_MIAMIDX ;#DEF MiamiDx ;#SET (//) TOT_INTEROPT_ALWAYSONLINE ;#DEF Always Online ;#SET (//) TOT_CHOOSE_TCPIP ;#DEF no TCP/IP stack ;#SET (//) TOT_GOONLINE_TEXT1 ;#DEF The selected TCP/IP-Stack is not correctly installed. Couldn`t go online! ;#SET (//) TOT_GOONLINE_TEXT2 ;#DEF Try to go online... ;#SET (//) TOT_GOONLINE_TEXT3 ;#DEF Couldn`t go online ! ;#SET (//) TOT_GOONLINE_TEXT4 ;#DEF Couldn`t find port of TCP/IP-Stack ! Have you installed Miami correctly? Have you set the assigns? ;#SET (//) TOT_GOONLINE_TEXT5 ;#DEF Error in Online-Script! ;#SET (//) TOT_GOONLINE_TEXT6 ;#DEF Try to go online... ;#SET (//) TOT_GOONLINE_TEXT7 ;#DEF Found port of TCP/IP-Stack. Try to go online ... ;#SET (//) TOT_GOONLINE_TEXT8 ;#DEF Tales of Tamar is online... ;#SET (//) TOT_GOONLINE_TEXT9 ;#DEF Tales of Tamar is online... (TCP/IP-Stack was already started ;-)) ;#SET (//) TOT_ONLINECHAT_TEXT1 ;#DEF A error occured! It was not possible to register for the chat! ;#SET (//) TOT_ONLINECHAT_TEXT2 ;#DEF The registration was succesful. You can chat now! ;#SET (//) TOT_ONLINECHAT_TEXT3 ;#DEF chat room ;#SET (//) TOT_ONLINECHAT_TEXT4 ;#DEF Sorry, in this version you can't chalange other players yet in this part! Please go to the games room. This feature, will be build in soon. ;#SET (//) TOT_ONLINECHAT_TEXT5 ;#DEF Player ;#SET (//) TOT_ONLINECHAT_TEXT6 ;#DEF leaves the channel ;#SET (//) TOT_ONLINECHAT_TEXT7 ;#DEF enters the channel ;#SET (//) TOT_ONLINECHAT_TEXT8 ;#DEF An error occured! Your registration was succesful, but this nickname already exists. Do you want to enter the password?? ;#SET (//) TOT_ONLINECHAT_TEXT9 ;#DEF Please enter password : ;#SET (//) TOT_ONLINECHAT_TEXT10 ;#DEF Please enter new nickname : ;#SET (//) TOT_ONLINECHAT_TEXT11 ;#DEF Lost connection to server. Following error occured. ;#SET (//) TOT_ONGAMES_SCREENTEXT5 ;#DEF Logged in succesfully ;#SET (//) TOT_ONGAMES_SCREENTEXT6 ;#DEF Either the player doesn't answer, or the connection broke down.... ;#SET (//) TOT_ONGAMES_SCREENTEXT7 ;#DEF We didn't receive a user list from the server yet, or you were thrown out! Please wait! ;#SET (//) TOT_ONGAMES_SCREENTEXT8 ;#DEF Hmm... This user was thrown out ! Please try it again... ;#SET (//) TOT_ONGAMES_SCREENTEXT9 ;#DEF Please don`t challenge yourself ;) ;#SET (//) TOT_ONGAMES_SCREENTEXT10 ;#DEF Victory ! This whimp on the other side had no chance.... ;#SET (//) TOT_ONGAMES_SCREENTEXT11 ;#DEF Tough fight! Sorry, but you've lost! ;#SET (//) TOT_ONGAMES_SCREENTEXT12 ;#DEF Your nickname does already exist, or is not permitted. Connection is terminated by server! ;#SET (//) TOT_ONGAMES_SCREENTEXT13 ;#DEF You are challenged by player ;#SET (//) TOT_ONGAMES_SCREENTEXT14 ;#DEF to arm-pushing! Do you want to accept? ;#SET (//) TOT_ONGAMES_SCREENTEXT15 ;#DEF The computers will be connected ! Get ready ... ;#SET (//) TOT_ONGAMES_SCREENTEXT16 ;#DEF The player ;#SET (//) TOT_ONGAMES_SCREENTEXT17 ;#DEF is afraid of you and don`t want to fight against you! ;#SET (//) TOT_ONGAMES_SCREENTEXT18 ;#DEF is busy at the moment ! ;#SET (//) TOT_ONGAMES_SCREENTEXT19 ;#DEF accepts the challenge ! ;#SET (//) TOT_TAVERNE_TEXT1 ;#DEF Do you want to read the texts about the screenshots ? ;#SET (//) TOT_TAVERNE_TEXT2 ;#DEF Do you want to go online ? ;#SET (//) TOT_TAVERNE_TEXT3 ;#DEF Do you want to got offline ? ;#SET (//) TOT_TAVERNE_TEXT4 ;#DEF Here you can go to the IRC-Chat. Do you want to connect ? ;#SET (//) TOT_RESIDOWNLOAD_GETSPIELZUG ;#DEF Die Daten f r den neuen Spielzug sind eingetroffen... ;#SET (//) TOT_BAUSCREEN_GEBAEUDE ;#DEF buildings ;#SET (//) TOT_BAUSCREEN_DURATION ;#DEF duration ;#SET (//) TOT_BAUSCREEN_MILLS ;#DEF mills ;#SET (//) TOT_BAUSCREEN_NEXT ;#DEF next building ;#SET (//) TOT_BAUSCREEN_PREVIOUS ;#DEF previous building ;#SET (//) TOT_BAUSCREEN_MUEHLEN_INFO ;#DEF M hlen sind f r die Ernte bei Tales of Tamar\nwichtig. Sie verarbeiten das geerntete Korn\nzu Mehl und dienen somit der Ern hrung der\nBev lkerung.\n\nUmso mehr M hlen Sie besitzen, umso mehr\nKorn werden sie verarbeiten k nnen.\n\nAls Faustregel gilt :\n\n1 M hle verarbeitet Korn f r ca. 3000\n Einwohner/Jahr.\n\nSie werden jedoch nicht automatisch mehr\nernten sobald sie mehr M hlen besitzen.\nVorraussetzung ist zun chst eine ordentliche\nSaat. Erst wenn Ihre Saat ausreichend ist,\nk nnte die Verarbeitung des daraus\nresultierenden Korns zu einen Engpass bei\nden M hlen f hren.\n\nSie m ssen also erst zus tzliche M hlen\nbauen, wenn Sie das Gef hl haben die Ernte\nwird nicht ausreichend und ordentlich\nbearbeitet.\n\nMaximal k nnen 20 M hlen pro Stadt gebaut\nwerden. ;#SET (//) TOT_BAUSCREEN_KORNLAGER_INFO ;#DEF Kornlager sind die Depots Ihres Reiches. In\nihnen wird das Korn des Reiches gespeichert.\nSollte nach einer Saat nicht genug Korn im\nSaatlager liegen kann dies unter Umst nden\nan der Anzahl der Kornlager liegen.\n\nKornlager haben in der Regel in der Grund-\nausstattung ein Fassungsverm gung von ca.\n40000 Ma Korn.\n\nAls Faustregel gilt : 1 Kornlager reicht f r ca.\n3500 Einwohner.\n\nDas Fassungsverm gen der Kornlager bezieht\nsich immer auf die kompletten drei Lager im\nKornlagerscreen, also dem Saatlager, dem\nKornlager und dem Lager zur Ern hrung des\nVolkes.\n\nWenn sich also 13000 Ma Korn in einem der\nLager befindet, so kann das Lager maximal\nweitere 27000 Ma aufnehmen. ;#SET (//) TOT_KASERNE_REQ3_REMOVE ;#DEF remove ;#SET (//) TOT_BAUSCREEN_BUILD ;#DEF ok to build ;#SET (//) TOT_BAUSCREEN_INFORMATION ;#DEF Dies ist der BauScreen.\n\nHier k nnen Sie Ihre ausgew hlte Stadt mit neuen Geb uden versehen und somit\nIhrem Land zu Reichtum und Macht verhelfen.\n\nOben links sehen Sie jeweils das Abbild eines Geb udes und auf der rechten Seite\nerhalten Sie n here Informationen zum ausgew hlten Geb ude. Lesen Sie sich die\nInformationen gewissenhaft durch. Sie enthalten Dinge, die Ihnen im weiteren\nSpielverlauf n tzlich sein werden.\n\nMit dem gro ckchen unter dem Abbild k nnen Sie ein Geb ude in Auftrag\ngeben. Mit den Pfeilen nach rechts und links k nnen Sie zwischen den verschiedenen\nGeb uden ausw hlen.\n\nSie werden niemals alle Geb ude zu Gesicht bekommen, da sich bestimmte Geb ude\nnur in Abh ngigkeit zur Forschung und anderen Geb uden bauen lassen. Tales of\nTamar trifft f r Sie eine Vorauswahl aller Geb ude, die gebaut werden k nnen.\n\nUnten rechts k nnen Sie den Preis, die Bauzeit in Quartalen und die Betriebskosten\neines Geb udes erfahren.\n\nDie Preise der Geb ude variieren von Spielzug zu Spielzug und werden sowohl durch\ndas Vertrauen in den Herrscherals auch durch berzahl und Unterzahl an\npflanzlichen, tierischen und mineralischen Einnahmequellen beeinflusst. ;#SET (//) TOT_BAUSCREEN_INSPIZIERE ;#DEF inspiziere Baustellen ;#SET (//) TOT_KASREQ3_STAT_RAISEUP ;#DEF raise up ;#SET (//) TOT_KASREQ3_STAT_RENAME ;#DEF rename ;#SET (//) TOT_BAUSCREEN_CHIEFMESSAGE ;#DEF Wollen Eure Hoheit wirklich mit dem Bau dieses Geb udes beginnen ? ;#SET (//) TOT_BAUSCREEN_NICHTGENUGKOHLE ;#DEF Eure Hoheit haben leider nicht genug Gold ! ;#SET (//) TOT_WAFFENART ;#DEF kind of weapon ;#SET (//) TOT_STEUERN_KIRCHENSTEUER ;#DEF church rate ;#SET (//) TOT_STEUERN_GRUNDSTEUER ;#DEF foundation rate ;#SET (//) TOT_STEUERN_HILFSQUELLENSTEUER ;#DEF resource rate ;#SET (//) TOT_STEUERN_ZOLLSTEUER ;#DEF duty rate ;#SET (//) TOT_STEUERN_JUSTIZ ;#DEF judiciary ;#SET (//) TOT_STEUERN_ZEHNTE ;#DEF the tenths ;#SET (//) TOT_STEUERN_EINNAHMEN ;#DEF accounting ;#SET (//) TOT_STEUERN_EINSTELLUNG ;#DEF modulation ;#SET (//) TOT_STEUERN_EINNAHMEN_IN_GOLD ;#DEF accounting in gold ;#SET (//) TOT_STEUERN_GOLDPFLANZEN ;#DEF gold / plant resource ;#SET (//) TOT_STEUERN_GOLDTIER ;#DEF gold / animal resource ;#SET (//) TOT_STEUERN_GOLDMINERAL ;#DEF gold / mineral resource ;#SET (//) TOT_STEUERN_FUTUREACCOUNTING ;#DEF future accounting ;#SET (//) TOT_STEUERN_GOLD100MANN ;#DEF gold / 100 inhabitants ;#SET (//) TOT_STATISTIK_KATEGORIEN ;#DEF categories ;#SET (//) TOT_STATISTIK_SELEK_KATEGORIEN ;#DEF select categories ;#SET (//) TOT_STATISTIK_KATEGORIEN_INFO ;#DEF categories info ;#SET (//) TOT_STATISTIK_KATEGORIE_ENTFERNEN ;#DEF category remove ;#SET (//) TOT_STATISTIK_SELEKTIERUNG_EIN ;#DEF selection enable ;#SET (//) TOT_STATISTIK_SELEKTIERUNG_AUS ;#DEF selection disable ;#SET (//) TOT_STATISTIK_REMOVE_ALL ;#DEF remove all ;#SET (//) TOT_STATISTIK_INFO ;#DEF statistik info ;#SET (//) TOT_STATISTIK_TIMECALIBRATION ;#DEF time calibration ;#SET (//) TOT_MAIL_TITLE ;#DEF mail editor ;#SET (//) TOT_TOWN_NAME ;#DEF select town ;#SET (//) TOT_GEBAEUDE_BANK ;#DEF bank ;#SET (//) TOT_GEBAEUDE_TAVERNE ;#DEF tavern ;#SET (//) TOT_GEBAEUDE_BUERGERHAUS ;#DEF citizen hall ;#SET (//) TOT_GEBAEUDE_HANDELSREGISTER ;#DEF trade register ;#SET (//) TOT_GEBAEUDE_SCHULE ;#DEF school ;#SET (//) TOT_GEBAEUDE_CAMP ;#DEF exercise place ;#SET (//) TOT_GEBAEUDE_SCHMIEDE ;#DEF blacksmith ;#SET (//) TOT_GEBAEUDE_FRIEDHOF ;#DEF cemetery ;#SET (//) TOT_GEBAEUDE_LAZARETT ;#DEF lazarett ;#SET (//) TOT_GEBAEUDE_KAPELLE ;#DEF chapel ;#SET (//) TOT_GEBAEUDE_SCHREIN ;#DEF shrine ;#SET (//) TOT_GEBAEUDE_MARKTPLATZ ;#DEF market place ;#SET (//) TOT_GEBAEUDE_SAEGEWERK ;#DEF sawmill ;#SET (//) TOT_GEBAEUDE_STALLUNGEN ;#DEF stables ;#SET (//) TOT_GEBAEUDE_HEILER ;#DEF healer ;#SET (//) TOT_BAUSCREEN_BANK_INFO ;#DEF info ;#SET (//) TOT_BAUSCREEN_TAVERNE_INFO ;#DEF info ;#SET (//) TOT_BAUSCREEN_BUERGERHAUS_INFO ;#DEF info ;#SET (//) TOT_BAUSCREEN_HANDELSREGISTER_INFO ;#DEF info ;#SET (//) TOT_BAUSCREEN_SCHULE_INFO ;#DEF info ;#SET (//) TOT_BAUSCREEN_CAMP_INFO ;#DEF info ;#SET (//) TOT_BAUSCREEN_SCHMIEDE_INFO ;#DEF info ;#SET (//) TOT_BAUSCREEN_FRIEDHOF_INFO ;#DEF info ;#SET (//) TOT_BAUSCREEN_LAZARETT_INFO ;#DEF info ;#SET (//) TOT_BAUSCREEN_KAPELLE_INFO ;#DEF info ;#SET (//) TOT_BAUSCREEN_SCHREIN_INFO ;#DEF info ;#SET (//) TOT_BAUSCREEN_MARKTPLATZ_INFO ;#DEF info ;#SET (//) TOT_BAUSCREEN_SAEGEWERK_INFO ;#DEF info ;#SET (//) TOT_BAUSCREEN_STALLUNGEN_INFO ;#DEF info ;#SET (//) TOT_BAUSCREEN_HEILER_INFO ;#DEF info ;#SET (//) TOT_KARTE_POSITION ;#DEF position ;#SET (//) TOT_KARTE_WIRTSCHAFTSKARTE ;#DEF raw materials ;#SET (//) TOT_KARTE_SYMBOLKARTE ;#DEF symbol map ;#SET (//) TOT_KARTE_GRENZEN ;#DEF frontiers ;#SET (//) TOT_KARTE_INFO ;#DEF info ;#SET (//) TOT_STATISTIK_LEGENDE ;#DEF legend ;#SET (//) TOT_SPEZIALISTEN_KLASSE ;#DEF class ;#SET (//) TOT_SPEZIALISTEN_GESCHICHTE ;#DEF history ;#SET (//) TOT_SPEZIALISTEN_SWITCH ;#DEF hire /disband ;#SET (//) TOT_SPEZIALISTEN_OK ;#DEF select ;#SET (//) TOT_SPEZIALISTEN_VIEW ;#DEF view map ;#SET (//) TOT_SPEZIALISTEN_NEXT ;#DEF next ;#SET (//) TOT_SPEZIALISTEN_ATTRIBUTES ;#DEF attributes ;#SET (//) TOT_SPEZIALISTEN_DISBAND ;#DEF disband ;#SET (//) TOT_SPEZIALISTEN_HIRE ;#DEF hire ;#SET (//) TOT_BAUSCREEN_MESSAGE_RUIN ;#DEF info ;#SET (//) TOT_BAUSCREEN_MESSAGE_ALREADYBUILD ;#DEF info ;#SET (//) TOT_BAUSCREEN_MESSAGE_SHOWBUILD ;#DEF info ;#SET (//) TOT_BAUSCREEN_MESSAGE_NOBUILD ;#DEF info ;#SET (//) TOT_BAUSCREEN_KORNLAGER ;#DEF info ;#SET (//) TOT_BAUSCREEN_MUEHLE ;#DEF info ;#SET (//) TOT_BAUSCREEN_BANK ;#DEF info ;#SET (//) TOT_BAUSCREEN_BUERGERHAUS ;#DEF info ;#SET (//) TOT_BAUSCREEN_UEBUNGSPLATZ ;#DEF info ;#SET (//) TOT_BAUSCREEN_FRIEDHOF ;#DEF info ;#SET (//) TOT_BAUSCREEN_HANDELSREGISTER ;#DEF info ;#SET (//) TOT_BAUSCREEN_HEILER ;#DEF info ;#SET (//) TOT_BAUSCREEN_KAPELLE ;#DEF info ;#SET (//) TOT_BAUSCREEN_MARKTPLATZ ;#DEF info ;#SET (//) TOT_BAUSCREEN_SAEGEWERK ;#DEF info ;#SET (//) TOT_BAUSCREEN_SCHMIEDE ;#DEF info ;#SET (//) TOT_BAUSCREEN_SCHREIN ;#DEF info ;#SET (//) TOT_BAUSCREEN_SCHULE ;#DEF info ;#SET (//) TOT_BAUSCREEN_STALLUNGEN ;#DEF info ;#SET (//) TOT_BAUSCREEN_TAVERNE ;#DEF info ;#SET (//) TOT_BAUSCREEN_LAZARETT ;#DEF info ;#SET (//) TOT_BAUSCREEN_REST_BAUZEIT1 ;#DEF info ;#SET (//) TOT_BAUSCREEN_REST_BAUZEIT2 ;#DEF info ;#SET (//) TOT_BAUSCREEN_REST_BAUZEIT3 ;#DEF info ;#SET (//) TOT_BERICHTE_RESEARCHTEXT1 ;#DEF info ;#SET (//) TOT_BERICHTE_RESEARCHTEXT2 ;#DEF info ;#SET (//) TOT_BERICHTE_RESEARCHTEXT3 ;#DEF info ;#SET (//) TOT_BERICHTE_RESEARCHTEXT4 ;#DEF info ;#SET (//) TOT_BERICHTE_RESEARCHTEXT5 ;#DEF info ;#SET (//) TOT_BERICHTE_RESEARCHTEXT6 ;#DEF info ;#SET (//) TOT_BERICHTE_RESEARCHTEXT7 ;#DEF info ;#SET (//) TOT_BERICHTE_RESEARCHTEXT8 ;#DEF info ;#SET (//) TOT_BERICHTE_RESEARCHTEXT9 ;#DEF info ;#SET (//) TOT_BERICHTE_RESEARCHTEXT10 ;#DEF info ;#SET (//) TOT_BERICHTE_RESEARCHTEXT11 ;#DEF info ;#SET (//) TOT_BERICHTE_KORNTEXT1 ;#DEF info ;#SET (//) TOT_BERICHTE_KORNTEXT2 ;#DEF info ;#SET (//) TOT_BERICHTE_KORNTEXT3 ;#DEF info ;#SET (//) TOT_BERICHTE_KORNTEXT4 ;#DEF info ;#SET (//) TOT_BERICHTE_KORNTEXT5 ;#DEF info ;#SET (//) TOT_BERICHTE_KORNTEXT6 ;#DEF info ;#SET (//) TOT_BERICHTE_KORNTEXT7 ;#DEF info ;#SET (//) TOT_BERICHTE_KORNTEXT8 ;#DEF info ;#SET (//) TOT_BERICHTE_KORNTEXT9 ;#DEF info ;#SET (//) TOT_BERICHTE_KORNTEXT10 ;#DEF info ;#SET (//) TOT_BERICHTE_KORNTEXT11 ;#DEF info ;#SET (//) TOT_BERICHTE_KORNTEXT12 ;#DEF info ;#SET (//) TOT_BERICHTE_KORNTEXT13 ;#DEF info ;#SET (//) TOT_BERICHTE_KORNTEXT14 ;#DEF info ;#SET (//) TOT_BERICHTE_KORNTEXT15 ;#DEF info ;#SET (//) TOT_BERICHTE_KORNTEXT16 ;#DEF info ;#SET (//) TOT_BERICHTE_KORNTEXT17 ;#DEF info ;#SET (//) TOT_BERICHTE_KORNTEXT18 ;#DEF info ;#SET (//) TOT_BERICHTE_KORNTEXT19 ;#DEF info ;#SET (//) TOT_BERICHTE_KORNTEXT20 ;#DEF info ;#SET (//) TOT_BERICHTE_KORNTEXT21 ;#DEF info ;#SET (//) TOT_BERICHTE_KORNTEXT22 ;#DEF info ;#SET (//) TOT_BERICHTE_KORNTEXT23 ;#DEF info ;#SET (//) TOT_BERICHTE_KORNTEXT24 ;#DEF info ;#SET (//) TOT_BERICHTE_KORNTEXT25 ;#DEF info ;#SET (//) TOT_BERICHTE_KORNTEXT26 ;#DEF info ;#SET (//) TOT_BERICHTE_KORNTEXT27 ;#DEF info ;#SET (//) TOT_BERICHTE_KORNTEXT28 ;#DEF info ;#SET (//) TOT_BERICHTE_KORNTEXT29 ;#DEF info ;#SET (//) TOT_BERICHTE_KORNTEXT30 ;#DEF info ;#SET (//) TOT_BERICHTE_REICHSTEXT1 ;#DEF info ;#SET (//) TOT_BERICHTE_REICHSTEXT2 ;#DEF info ;#SET (//) TOT_BERICHTE_REICHSTEXT3 ;#DEF info ;#SET (//) TOT_BERICHTE_REICHSTEXT4 ;#DEF info ;#SET (//) TOT_BERICHTE_REICHSTEXT5 ;#DEF info ;#SET (//) TOT_BERICHTE_REICHSTEXT6 ;#DEF info ;#SET (//) TOT_BERICHTE_REICHSTEXT7 ;#DEF info ;#SET (//) TOT_BERICHTE_KORNLAGER_MORE ;#DEF info ;#SET (//) TOT_BERICHTE_MUEHLE_MORE ;#DEF info ;#SET (//) TOT_BERICHTE_BANK_MORE ;#DEF info ;#SET (//) TOT_BERICHTE_BUERGERHAUS_MORE ;#DEF info ;#SET (//) TOT_BERICHTE_UEBUNGSPLATZ_MORE ;#DEF info ;#SET (//) TOT_BERICHTE_FRIEDHOF_MORE ;#DEF info ;#SET (//) TOT_BERICHTE_HANDELSREGISTER_MORE ;#DEF info ;#SET (//) TOT_BERICHTE_HEILER_MORE ;#DEF info ;#SET (//) TOT_BERICHTE_KAPELLE_MORE ;#DEF info ;#SET (//) TOT_BERICHTE_MARKTPLATZ_MORE ;#DEF info ;#SET (//) TOT_BERICHTE_SAEGEWERK_MORE ;#DEF info ;#SET (//) TOT_BERICHTE_SCHMIEDE_MORE ;#DEF info ;#SET (//) TOT_BERICHTE_SCHREIN_MORE ;#DEF info ;#SET (//) TOT_BERICHTE_SCHULE_MORE ;#DEF info ;#SET (//) TOT_BERICHTE_STALLUNGEN_MORE ;#DEF info ;#SET (//) TOT_BERICHTE_TAVERNE_MORE ;#DEF info ;#SET (//) TOT_BERICHTE_LAZARETT_MORE ;#DEF info ;#SET (//) TOT_BERICHTE_GEBAEUDETEXT1 ;#DEF info ;#SET (//) TOT_BERICHTE_GEBAEUDETEXT2 ;#DEF info ;#SET (//) TOT_BERICHTE_GEBAEUDETEXT3 ;#DEF info ;#SET (//) TOT_BERICHTE_GEBAEUDETEXT4 ;#DEF info ;#SET (//) TOT_BERICHTE_STEUERNTEXT1 ;#DEF info ;#SET (//) TOT_BERICHTE_STEUERNTEXT2 ;#DEF info ;#SET (//) TOT_BERICHTE_STEUERNTEXT3 ;#DEF info ;#SET (//) TOT_BERICHTE_STEUERNTEXT4 ;#DEF info ;#SET (//) TOT_BERICHTE_STEUERNTEXT5 ;#DEF info ;#SET (//) TOT_INITSCREEN_TEXT1 ;#DEF info ;#SET (//) TOT_INITANLEITUNG_TEXT1 ;#DEF info ;#SET (//) TOT_INITANLEITUNG_TEXT2 ;#DEF info ;#SET (//) TOT_INITANLEITUNG_TEXT3 ;#DEF info ;#SET (//) TOT_INITANLEITUNG_TEXT4 ;#DEF info ;#SET (//) TOT_INITANLEITUNG_TEXT5 ;#DEF info ;#SET (//) TOT_INITANLEITUNG_TEXT6 ;#DEF info ;#SET (//) TOT_INITANLEITUNG_TEXT7 ;#DEF info ;#SET (//) TOT_INITANLEITUNG_TEXT8 ;#DEF info ;#SET (//) TOT_INITANLEITUNG_TEXT9 ;#DEF info ;#SET (//) TOT_INITANLEITUNG_TEXT10 ;#DEF info ;#SET (//) TOT_INITANLEITUNG_TEXT11 ;#DEF info ;#SET (//) TOT_INITANLEITUNG_TEXT12 ;#DEF info ;#SET (//) TOT_INITANLEITUNG_TEXT13 ;#DEF info ;#SET (//) TOT_INITANLEITUNG_TEXT14 ;#DEF info ;#SET (//) TOT_INITANLEITUNG_TEXT15 ;#DEF info ;#SET (//) TOT_INITANLEITUNG_TEXT16 ;#DEF info ;#SET (//) TOT_INITANLEITUNG_TEXT17 ;#DEF info ;#SET (//) TOT_INITANLEITUNG_TEXT18 ;#DEF info ;#SET (//) TOT_INITANLEITUNG_TEXT19 ;#DEF info ;#SET (//) TOT_INITANLEITUNG_TEXT20 ;#DEF info ;#SET (//) TOT_INITANLEITUNG_TEXT21 ;#DEF info ;#SET (//) TOT_INITANLEITUNG_TEXT22 ;#DEF info ;#SET (//) TOT_INITANLEITUNG_TEXT23 ;#DEF info ;#SET (//) TOT_INITANLEITUNG_TEXT24 ;#DEF info ;#SET (//) TOT_INITANLEITUNG_TEXT25 ;#DEF info ;#SET (//) TOT_INITANLEITUNG_TEXT26 ;#DEF info ;#SET (//)